Center for Transformative Infrastructure Preservation and Sustainability

CTIPS Student of the Year
2022 Recipient

Download High-ResCarrie Tremblatt, a transportation professional and Ph.D. student at the University of Colorado Denver, has been named the 2022 Student of the Year for the Mountain-Plains Consortium. She will be honored with other award winners from across the country during an awards ceremony in Washington, D.C., in January.

Tremblatt is a transportation planner with the Colorado Department of Transportation. She earned her Master of Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Colorado Denver in 2012 and her Bachelor of Political Science and Government from Cornell University. Tremblatt previously worked as a disability advocate and was a planning intern with Jefferson County, CO., and with the U.S. Forest Service. Her experience in land use planning and advocacy inspired her interest in transportation research. Tremblatt is particularly interested in researching questions regarding the influence of the broader built environment on mode choice and public health.

In her work with the Colorado Department of Transportation, Tremblatt has been involved in a variety of planning efforts, including work related to the state's new Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Planning Standard. Colorado is the first state to require that metropolitan planning organizations achieve greenhouse gas reduction levels in the selection of future transportation projects. For her Ph.D. in civil engineering, Tremblatt is conducting a systems-level analysis of left-turning vehicle-pedestrian crashes as part of a Mountain-Plains Consortium research project. She anticipates earning her Ph.D. in 2024.